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We're Winning!

So the Foreign Office has asked ministers to ditch the phrase 'war on terror', just nine days after we filed our petition to launch an independent inquiry into the legitimacy of the 'war on terror'. They're running scared, but little do they know that we've already sold 40% of our stock and we can re-brand as many times as they do.
We're also just about winning the fight to get the games out to our customers around the world. It's been a chaotic few weeks here and we've come to realise just how much work it is to distribute a game to the entire planet. We're sorry about all the delays, do get in touch with us if you think your order is taking too long, include your Order ID and that helps us out.
"Spectacularly Controversial" - ForbesFor those poor people in the 'Rest of the World' who pre-ordered the game all those many months ago, your games should be arriving today, in fact, if you're in Japan, you've already got yours.
We've set cut-off dates for getting the game before Christmas, if you care about that kind of thing. For UK orders it's Wednesday 20 December, in the morning at some point. For everywhere else, it's now.
The small alternative bookshop in Cambridge has now sold 50 copies of the game, which is how many copies Borders Cambridge wanted to stock before they got told not to by head office. We've managed to get it into a few shops around the UK, we're hoping that list will continue to grow in the new year.
If you're in Cambridge UK and you're still not sure what to get mum for Christmas, then come on down to the Cellar Bar 8 tomorrow, Sat 16th Dec from 1pm to 5pm, as we're hosting a 'Games Day'. Come along, play the game, wear the balaclava, meet the designers and illustrator, buy the bugger and even get it signed if you want.
Other news, Forbes has declared the game "spectacularly controversial", we've had our first EVIL Challenge winners, our first semi-pornographic balaclava photos and we've been hearing interesting stories of pub games in Oxford finishing abruptly with strangers up-ending the board in disgust.
It seems people either love it or hate it, which is a shame, because it's all about the grey area.
Posted by TerrorBull Games on 15 December 2006 - 0 comments