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Sorted! Distribution woes all gone

A couple of weeks ago, the rug was pulled out from under our feet by our shipping and fulfilment partner getting cold feet at the last minute.*
We're happy to say that's now all behind us. We've found better companies to work with and ones with a sense of humour to boot.
We now have an exciting partnership with a fulfilment company in the States who really knows what they're doing. As a bonus, they can ship to Canada too, so no more excuses and moaning, we can now post to Canada for the same price as the US.
Because we're astonishingly nice chaps, we're going to refund the difference to those people in Canada who have already ordered. We think we have everybody, but if in a few days, you feel you've missed out, just get in touch.
* Thanks to everyone who contacted us with useful leads and advice (like, 'get a contract' - yeh, cheers, we worked that out ourselves).
Order update: 1,151 games
Posted by TerrorBull Games on 26 October 2006 - 0 comments