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Colombia, lost phone & a request

After a weekend that started with standing in a field on the mobile having "It's two fingers up at governments, terrorists, the whole lot" translated into Spanish for live Colombian radio, well, we thought it couldn't get much weirder.
A heavy hangover on Sunday wasn't helped by the fact the TerrorBull phone was lost in the White Swan the night before, along with one of the inventor's BLACK RUCKSACK and frisbee. The phone has been cancelled, maybe that's why we're not getting back to you. Hopefully it was just stolen and not destroyed by the police, either way, it's our most subtle marketing prank yet.
"I thought this was some neocons idea of fun indoctrination for children"We also hit the 500 mark, so the certificate pile isn't getting any bigger. We've got an interview with Stars & Stripes lined up. The one and only board game geek is a hotbed of discussion. This review made us happy, another from the same paper was quite different... the Australian press seem to have a lot to say about the game.
We've noticed many journalists use the same recipe for the story and find people whose lives have been shattered by a 'terror event' to comment on the game. We - and many people writing to us - would also be interested to hear views on the game from the following...
- World leaders
- 'Big Oil' people
- Political prisoners
- People fighting in Iraq / Afghanistan (both sides)
- In fact, anyone
Why not even ask the people who own your newspaper? And yes, ask people who've just lost a loved one to a bomb as well - we expect it to be balanced after all.
Anyone speak polish? It may come in handy.
Best contact of the day:
18:15 Miriam
I will be boycotting this disgusting game and will be sure to boycott any other product associated with its makers, whoever they are and however slight their involvement.
18:25 Miriam
Ignore earlier message - I misunderstood - thought this was some neocons idea of fun indoctrination for children for christmas.
Posted by TerrorBull Games on 25 September 2006 - 0 comments