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WoT Inking #01
"Plans are afoot to extend the amount of time that terrorism suspects can be held without charge to 42 days. At 28 days, the UK already has the strictest detention laws in the western world. Even Gordon Brown's security minister was 'unconvinced' about the the proposal ... unconvinced that is until a short meeting with the Prime Minister (and the persuasive power of a P45)"
War on Terror illustrator, Tom Morgan-Jones has decided to illustrate current events, showing our prime minister, Gordon Brown, shall we say, 'overpowering' Lady Justice on the matter of detention of terrorist suspects.
Tom says that he's intending to do more of these, so we optimistically labelled this 'Wot Inking #01', hinting at the future existence of at least 9 more. But you never know, this could be a valuable one-off, so click on the image for a larger one and use it as your desktop now before it's GONE FOREVER.
Posted by TerrorBull Games on 8 December 2007 - 0 comments