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World First! War on Terror Played Live on Radio

Recently, we were contacted by Resonance FM to take part in a series of programmes they were running about 'Art and War', covering things like the purpose of war memorials, the function of war and combat in art theory and one show was even set to discuss propaganda with our new friend, the curator of the Imperial War Museum. The series itself sounded pretty interesting, but what really got our attention was the presenter's intention to play a game of War on Terror live on air.
- "We've tried it on TV and ... it's quite slow", we cautioned.
- "Let us worry about that", they replied.
- "A full game will take about 3 hours to play".
- "That would be really interesting", they insisted, "but we only have 30 minutes".
Resonance FM were fearless - they were determined to play the game live on air and who were we to disrupt such ambitious plans? We decided to start playing an hour before we went on air, so that the game could be in mid-flow by the time the programme started. It was surprisingly difficult, playing War on Terror, answering questions about the game and the larger war on terror and also evaluating what cards you've just picked up or working out how much oil revenue you're due.
In the end, we only played one full round while the programme was on the air. It was a surreal mix of serious discussion and in-game comments ("There's a common belief that terrorism just happens and has no rational cause - Ah! West Canada's just gone ..." etc). Not sure we'd do it again live, but it was fun to try something different.
Listen to the full programme here:
- Streaming part 1
- Streaming part 2
Or download the MP3 files here:
- Download part 1
- Download part 2
This was the first we'd heard of Resonance FM and it turns out to be a very cool radio station - lots of arts, culture, politics, weird music etc. You should Give them some love and listen in.
Of random interest, we've noticed War on Terror cropping up in a few, slightly contradictory lists recently:
- World's most controversial boardgames
(Deputy Dog - no.7) - World's most inappropriate games
(Shortlist Magazine - no.1) - Boardgames to change the world
(A Just Life - no. 2)
Inappropriate, controversial and world-changing... That'd make a great epitaph.
Posted by TerrorBull Games on 2 April 2008 - 0 comments