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Join us at the Flea Pit

The marvelous Dr Richard Barbrook, one of the founding members of Class Wargames, has invited us to give a short talk about our game, followed by an evening of booze and gaming at The Flea Pit in London on 22nd July.
This event is open to everybody. The Flea Pit can be found near Old Street in the East End and is a good looking converted Victorian warehouse. It's now a pub and cafe which hosts a whole myriad of artistic and political events, with one of the regular club nights belonging to Class War games every last Tuesday of the month. These guys are an interesting bunch who are great advocates of Guy Debord's board game 'The Game of War'
Richard has just returned from California, where he was collecting the Marshall McLuhan award for his book Imaginary Futures. We can't wait to buy the man a congratulatory drink, and of course it's a great oppotunity for you to buy us a drink too.
Whilst a rather interesting looking political film night takes place in the dingy back room of the Flea Pit on the 22nd, Class Wargames will be entertaing us in the swanky front parlour. You'll be able to ask us any questions you like during the evening such as 'What made you do this in the first place?', 'How many death threats have you recieved?' and ' Is Andy Tompkins hair actually real?' and we'll be happy to answer them all and more besides. Club night times are 6:30pm till 11:00 pm, and we'd love to see you, the more the merrier. If you want to go as far as challanging the inventors to a game that might just be possible too, but be warned...we're shit hot.
Posted by TerrorBull Games on 8 July 2008 - 0 comments