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1968 and all that...

It's orange jumpsuit time again. We're joining a bloody interesting group of people gathering at Conway Hall (near Holborn tube) this Saturday, 10 May. '1968 and all that' is an international conference and bookfair, celebrating and reflecting upon the tumultuous and rebellious events of May '68 when virtually all of Europe was experiencing strikes, protests and variously successful bids for social change.
With over 47 talks, 7 films and a whole load of other stuff, '1968 And All That' is an event that should excite and nourish lobes you didn't know you had. How can you refuse? Even if you miss us during the day, it's worth it alone if you just turn up to hear these guys at 6pm : Adrian Mitchell - political poet & dramatist ( Here's Adrian in action back in 1965 at the Royal Albert Hall: 'To Whom it May Concern'), Alain Krivine - one of the leaders of the May 1968 revolt in Paris , Astrid Proll - a former member of the Baader-Meinhof Gang, Sheila Rowbotham - a British socialist feminist, and Eamonn McCann - an Irish journalist, author, and political activist.
It's free to attend, but you have to register by emailing them (instructions on their homepage). We're particularly looking forward to hearing Astrid Proll talk - as someone who has turned to violence in pursuing a 'higher cause' and has then lived to reject it, she offers a unique and rare insight into the nature of protest and activism.
So if you fancy whiling away the day, arguing with lefties and reliving the hopes and dreams of a distant, more optimistic age, then do join us. We'll happily shatter your dreams for you. And then we'll laugh at you for being so ideologically naive.
Posted by TerrorBull Games on 5 May 2008 - 0 comments